Financial astrology
Business horoscope charts
Houses in company horoscopes
Zodiac signs in company horoscopes
Planets in company horoscopes
Aspects in company horoscopes
Combining the components
Prediction by transits
Elaborate examples
The tools of astrology and the horoscope can be applied to a multitude of fields, other than forecasts for individual persons. One such field is financial astrology, also called astroeconomics - the astrological method to analyze and predict matters of business and finance.
There are two major ways of doing this. One is to observe the planetary movements in the sky, and interpret the trends and events they imply, which are of world wide influence. The other is to chart horoscopes for specific businesses, countries, or financial ventures, and interpret them.
Observing the planetary movements in the sky are easy enough, through astronomical tables or computer programs - revealing such things long in advance, making predictions possible for hundreds of years ahead (but not easy to interpret, of course). To make a horoscope chart for a specific business or country, a starting date and location is needed - sometimes obvious, sometimes buried in history.
Business horoscope charts
Houses in company horoscopes
Zodiac signs in company horoscopes
Planets in company horoscopes
Aspects in company horoscopes
Combining the components
Prediction by transits
Elaborate examples
The tools of astrology and the horoscope can be applied to a multitude of fields, other than forecasts for individual persons. One such field is financial astrology, also called astroeconomics - the astrological method to analyze and predict matters of business and finance.
There are two major ways of doing this. One is to observe the planetary movements in the sky, and interpret the trends and events they imply, which are of world wide influence. The other is to chart horoscopes for specific businesses, countries, or financial ventures, and interpret them.
Observing the planetary movements in the sky are easy enough, through astronomical tables or computer programs - revealing such things long in advance, making predictions possible for hundreds of years ahead (but not easy to interpret, of course). To make a horoscope chart for a specific business or country, a starting date and location is needed - sometimes obvious, sometimes buried in history.
Astrology has traditionally been a method of forecasting the future, and in fact there are many astrologers still practicing today who take a philosophical approach to the birth marriage prediction